Welcome! I’m Jason - as a former collegiate soccer player turned business-athlete, I leverage my coachability, teamwork and work ethic to excel in both professional and personal endeavors.

As a player-coach, I draw upon my experiences and ongoing learning to empower people to grow and become the best version of themselves.

Overall, my mission, rooted in 1 Peter 4:10, is to serve others as a faithful steward of my time, talents, resources, and relationships, aiming to make a lasting impact.


Check out my blog, a notepad, where I regularly share links, highlights and quotes from my readings on how athletes transition their mindset and skills into the business and entrepreneurial world. Also, please subscribe to my weekly newsletter, ‘The Business-Athlete,’ where I handpick helpful insights for former athletes turned business game-changers.


You can also find me on X, LinkedIn, and get my contact info here.